Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Marketing Dissertation Proposal Sample

Proposals for marketing dissertations are always needy on the subject field you are involved in. You may recommend a subject under education, philosophy, business, computer technologies, history, medical or social studies. It does not really matter what you want to discuss within your article, but first you must have a very good subject proposal in which you think you can excel in writing.

A marketing dissertation sample proposal needs to have quality outline before you can send it to your teacher. Some of the necessary parts can be learned simply by looking for sample outlines of essay writing. Subsequent below are the required parameters of your dissertation proposal:

1. Introduction

2. Thesis Statement

3. Research Method

4. Experimental Design (if applicable)

5. Results Discussion

6. Conclusion

These parts are required to be seen in a proposal. All of them represent a single segment for the entire research document. Always be careful in writing the segmented parts since some students tend to incorporate everything in a single paragraph that should not be.

There are different types of dissertations. You can have a marketing dissertation, computer science dissertation or economics dissertation. For all these types of writing, the correct formatting style is always needed.

So how to start writing a marketing dissertation proposal?

1. First, you need to understand that the topic should only be available within your reach of researching.

2. Second, you must follow the indicated formats in writing the proposal outline.

3. Third, it is always essential for you to stick to the parameters of the topics.

There are a lot of resources on the Internet where you can find a dissertation proposal sample. There are institution paper writing companies, which can provide their original sample works for your situation. A university marketing dissertation proposal may impress you some forms of concern allowing for that it can be a tough project to make.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Marketing Dissertation Topics

Marketing Topics

If you are interested in any of the Marketing topics discussed in this article, we would be more than happy to provide you with more information. Our expert writers can produce dissertations to a 1st and 2:1 standard that are tailor-made to match your requirements and we have a dedicated customer support team who are on hand every day until 11pm. Our professional writers will produce a quality and original piece of work that would be a praiseworthy finale to anyone's academic career.

1.0 Marketing and Consumer Psychology

Marketing is fundamentally underpinned by consumer behavior, which can be largely explained by examining consumer psychology. This highlights how consumers behave in each stage of the buying process and why they react as they do. On this basis, marketers can design and implement communication strategies that target specific customer groups based on their psychological profiles.

2.0 Marketing online

When marketing moves online the traditional rules are either broken or extended. Such extensions include the need to take into account privacy, security, the greater ability to customize and personalize user experiences, the changing nature of consumer behavior and the interaction of online and offline mediums. Marketing online is a subject that many companies now have to consider, and the subject would create a useful marketing dissertation. More specific subjects are suggested here.

· How can firms customize their products? The case of Apple.

· How can firms personalize their products? The case of Nike.

· An assessment of the value of assortment to customers: The case of Dell Computers.

· How does a consumer's perception of control affect their choice of brand? The case of buying

3.0 Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing has become the latest marketing communication medium to enable large brands such as Coca-Cola, Nintendo, MTV, New Labor, Lastminute.com, and others to reach customers and target customers in traditional and non-traditional ways. With the lowering of mobile tariffs, including Internet browsing using mobile phones, this medium has becoming increasingly important to marketers. Some topics are suggested here for you to base your marketing dissertation on the area of mobile marketing.

4.0 The 4Ps (Price, Product, Promotion, Place) of marketing mix

The 4Ps, which have seen a number of extensions, are the cornerstones of the marketing mix that marketing professions have available to them when trying to influence consumer decision-making. To base your marketing dissertation in this area, there are some topic suggestions below.

· How do price adjustment strategies vary in an online and offline environment? The case of music sales.

· Can an overt international pricing strategy negatively affect brand image? The case of iTunes.

· How effective are public relation campaigns following brand failures? The cases of Nike, Shell, and Marks and Spencer.

· How and why do firms vary the frequency of advertisements in an online and offline environment? The case of Water stone’s.

· An examination of the suitability of information and persuasive advertising based on the nature of the product being sold.

· How do the characteristics of companies that use comparison advertising vary from those that do not use comparison advertising? The case of the alcoholic drinks industry in the US.

· What is the effect of the lack of controls online when advertising across international borders?

· Can point-of-purchase promotions be as effective in an online environment as they are offline?

5.0 Marketing and Social Networks

Social networks (Face book, Orkut, MySpace, Bebo, LinkedIn) are not only changing the way that many people uses the Internet, but they are also presenting marketing practitioners with new challenges when trying to reach and acquire customers online. At the same time, these social networks have their own challenges in trying to acquire and retain customers when many of the traditional principles of consumer behavior no longer apply. As social networks become more popular, a marketing dissertation in this area would be up to date and in line with current trends.

· To what extent is the "new" Facebook the product of its users? An examination of positive, neutral and negative user comments.

· Why have functional applications on Facebook achieved so little success compared with their fun counterparts?

· How do Facebook applications turn users into cash? The relationship between total installs, daily active users, and application valuation.

· A comparison of the effectiveness of banner advertising on different social networks? The cases of Facebook, Orkut, MySpace and Bebo.

· What impact does newsfeed restriction have on consumers' attitudes towards using Facebook?


6.0 Marketing Ethics

The power of the media and changing consumer attitudes are having a significant impact on how firms are expected to behave, as well as how they should integrate ethics into their marketing campaigns. On this basis, marketing ethics is interested in a range of issues from the business case for ethical practices, to CSR programmes and cause-related marketing, and ethical issues that must be taken into account during the marketing communications process. a marketing dissertation on marketing ethics could include any of the following topics:

· Is easy Jet’s low fare, online pricing strategy misleading or a justifiable way of managing customer demand?

· Is firms' use of Fair Trade branding misleading consumers?

· What affect do published codes of conduct have on buying behaviour? The cases of The Body Shop, Levi Strauss, and Marks and Spencer.

· Are "happy hours" ethical? An application of the marketing communicator's rules of behavior.

How does ethical purchase intention and ethical awareness affect purchasing behavior?

· Why do some controversial marketing communications work whilst other fail?

· How have spam laws improved marketing ethics online?

· What factors distinguish a consumer's choice of most and least social responsible firms?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ideas For Marketing Dissertations

If you are interested in any of the topics discussed in this article, we would be more than happy to provide you with more information. Our expert writers can produce marketing dissertations to a 1st and 2:1 standard that are tailor-made to match your requirements and we have a dedicated customer support team who are on hand every day until 11pm. Our professional writers will produce a quality and original piece of work that would be a praiseworthy finale to anyone's academic career.

1.0 Introduction

A MARKETING dissertation should have something to add to the existing literature in a given field, but should not try to re-invent the wheel. Dissertations should be focused rather than broad, aiming to add to the literature in a manageable way bearing in mind time and cost constraints. The dissertation title should reflect this, being more narrow than broad, highlighting the main focus of the dissertation. This helps when it comes to setting clear, concise and manageable research aims, questions and objectives. Added to this, the choice of research topic should reflect the research setting where the study took place.

2.0 Relationship Marketing

Relationship marketing refers to the use of relationships rather than purely transactional means, in order to not only acquire customers, but also to generate customer loyalty that results in repeat custom for the firm. It is a very important area for modern businesses, and an ideal area on which to base your marketing dissertation.

3.0 Branding

Branding is an umbrella term to refer to a wide body of literature examining how businesses can use their brands to achieve a competitive advantage, through building brand equity, launching brand extensions, managing global brands, and so forth.

4.0 Direct Marketing

The world of direct marketing is a complex one that involves a wide range of tools and techniques that can be used to target consumers in a predominantly transactional manner. Direct marketers rely on information and a series of direct marketing media such as direct mail, magazines, newspapers, TV/radio, co-ops, telemarketing/ teleservices and the Internet to disseminate their messages and acquire new customers. Here follows some suggested topics of direct marketing, which you could use for your marketing dissertation.

5.0 Marketing across Cultures

For some products and services, cultural considerations can play an important role in how marketers interact with consumers. With the increasing globalization of business, firms have to pay greater attention to how national culture impacts upon consumer behavior and customers' reactions towards different types of marketing communication. Marketing across cultures is becoming more prominent in business, as more and more businesses are expanding throughout the world.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Marketing Dissertation

It can take you more than a week to produce a quality marketing dissertation. It is very time consuming, and annoying, especially when you are having difficulties with formulating your thoughts and ideas. The whole point of the marketing dissertation is to form a product or service, and describe the whole process of popularizing it in the business industry. You marketing dissertation has to be up to date, as the business industry is constantly changing and progressing. A lot of students stumble into having a too broad marketing dissertation or having it too narrow.

Basically, a marketing thesis or marketing dissertation – is a paper, where you describe a solution to a particular problem on the market. In order for you to write a good marketing dissertation paper – you should have a very interesting and moving topic. In some cases – the topic defines the success of your marketing dissertation. For example in some papers – the topic can simply speak for itself, when on the other hand, a boring topic will cause a boring marketing thesis or marketing dissertation, without taking into consideration how it was written.

This is our basic proficiency on the market. We are here to help students develop their knowledge on the subject, such as marketing and management, we show our students how a paper (Marketing thesis or marketing dissertation) is supposed to be made.